Prep 10 mins
Cook 20 mins
Total Time: 30 mins Gluten Free
1. Scald the 2 cups of rice milk in a pan.
2. Mix flour, sugar, cocoa powder and salt in another pan. Mix egg into flour mixture and then gradually add the scalded milk. Cook over hot water in double boiler for 15 to 20 minutes. Stir constantly at first.
3. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Add the quart of rice milk and vanilla. Refrigerate for 24 hours or until completely chilled.
4. Add to an automatic ice cream maker and freeze according to it’s directions.
Chef Notes:
*Adding the scalded milk is very important, it tempers the egg so that it does not cook and become lumpy. If this does happen you can strain the mixture before refrigerating it. If you want to make it the traditional way just swap out half and half for the rice milk and milk for the scalded milk.
Gluten Free
Lactose Free *Dairy Free