Prep 10 mins
Cook 2 hrs 30 mins
Total Time: 2 hrs 40 mins Gluten Free
Egg Free
1. Rinse and soak beans over night.
2. Rinse and strain beans. Add beans to a stock pot and cover with water. Place lid on pot and cook for 2 hours over medium heat.
3. Add olive oil to a frying pan and sauté onion and garlic on low until transparent and tender.
4. Add sauteed onion and garlic, salt, parsley, chili powder, cumin, paprika, oregano, tomatoes, and vegetable stock to beans.
5. Bring chili to a boil, reduce heat to low, replace lid, and cook for 30 minutes. Serve hot with non corn corn bread and honey buttter.
Chef Notes:
*For a fuller flavor, if you are not concerned about being 100% vegetarian, use chicken stock in place of vegetable stock.
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