Prep 5 mins
Cook 0 mins
Total Time: 5 mins Gluten Free
Egg Free
1. Add all ingredients – tomatoes, garlic, onion, cilantro, jalapenos, lime juice, and salt to a food processor. Use the pulse setting to process the salsa until just chopped up but still a little chunky. This slightly chunky style is considered “pico de gallo” style.
2. Serve with chips. Or use as a sauce like on top of fish.
Chef Notes:
*You can opt for chopping all ingredients instead of using food processor. Add more jalapenos for a hot salsa. For a milder salsa use 1 fresh jalapeno and 1 pickled jalapeno. A really nice addition to this salsa is to chop up 3 avocados and stir them in. Also add 1 teaspoon chipotle seasoning, muy bueno!
* Spice up baked chicken by spreading this on top of your chicken before baking it. Don’t be shy, smooth it. Bake as normal. The result will be juicy, healthy chicken with a fresh tasting kick.
*Add a spoonful of salsa to a half of an avocado and you have a very healthy snack! Avocado boats.
*Paleo friendly.
Gluten Free
Egg Free
Lactose Free
Vegetarian *Dairy Free