Letting Go is a Life Changer!

I am in love with this book!


I cannot say enough about this amazing book! Letting Go, by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., describes a simple and effective means by which to let go of obstacles to launch you onto an exploratory path to enlightenment and becoming free of negativity. If you want to change your thought, the way you react to people and situations, raise yourself to a higher positive vibration, go within yourself so you can be the best you you can be, then this is the book!

Dr. Hawkins takes you on a journey explaining the mechanism of letting go. “Letting go is like the sudden cessation of an inner pressure or the dropping of a weight. It is accompanied by a sudden feeling of relief and lightness with an increased happiness and freedom.” The technique of letting go is explained by acknowledging your negative thoughts and feelings and feeling them emotionally. Eventually surrendering your negative emotions until they dissipate.

First Dr. Hawkins explains the anatomy of emotions by taking you on an upward vibrational step by step investigation on what drives emotions and the underlying reasons for them. He begins with the lowest emotions, apathy and depression and then climbs up the ladder to the highest emotional states, love and peace.

This book is a fantastic step into analyzing yourself, figuring out what makes you tick, and gives you the courage to search within and find inside yourself the emotions you need to work on and which ones to enhance. It brings into the light reason to lift yourself into a higher loving vibration, remarkably making changes in yourself and others around you.

I have learned the key to raising my vibration is to go within and work on me, because how can I be the best person I can be to others, if I am not the best me I can be to myself? And to go even further, how can I be the most loving person I can be, if I do not first work on loving myself unconditionally? 

I Love You So Much!

My personal journey in enlightenment started out learning to love myself unconditionally and and also finding my inner child. I hug her, love her, I am thankful for her. If there is any resistance or block to finding your inner child or you feel any kind of negativity you can use the Letting Go Technique. When there is a block it is advised by Dr. Hawkins that you listen to your intuition and feel the emotions that come up. Really feel those feelings. Notice, are you sad, fearful, angry? After you let go and surrender to the feelings you start to heal and realize that your inner child is the internal joyful loving you.

After finding and loving my inner child I moved on to using Dr. Hawkin’s Letting Go Technique to surrender to any past negative events, programs, or feelings. As you let go of negativity you begin to release those feelings and you enter into a higher more positive vibration. 

Whoopie! I Had A Spring In My Step!

During this transformational journey of enlightenment I was feeling light and happy one day and had the feeling, you know when you have a new outfit to wear and you cannot wait to show it off in public? I felt that way about myself, my inner me, my new enlightened self. I couldn’t wait to test how I would handle situations and different people. Funny it seemed as if I was wearing my “new me” that people could see. But they could! I was happier, “smilier”, more easy going and carefree! People were more kind and courteous. I was on cloud nine! I had a spring in my step! 

Ah Yes! Finally Relief! I Surrendered

To The Pain And The Pain Subsided!

One day I had a breakthrough about pain. I had been dealing with sciatic pain for a while. It was definitely getting better but sometimes I had episodes where it was very painful. This day was one of those agonizing episodes. In Letting Go, Dr. Hawkins writes that when we have negative events we should focus on the feeling of the event and really feel it. Then our brain can process it and let it go. He also writes that pain is actually in your body’s energy and is harbored in your lower chakras. When it starts to heal it moves up your body to your heart chakra and there it is healed and vanishes.

While doing yoga one day, I was in pain and very stiff. A thought came to me that I should focus on the pain like Hawkins said about a negative event and really acknowledge and feel the pain. So I felt it and really explored what it felt like. The pain was intense but I breathed and worked through it. Then I acknowledged it and really felt it and surrendered to the pain. I told it that I see it, I feel it, I know you need attention. A thought came to me that I should send the pain love. Then, I put it in a ball of white light and sent it up through my body to my heart chakra and let it dissolve there. Eventually the pain subsided.

What I really hold in my heart about this book is the reminder that like attracts like and that what you put out you receive. My goal as a human being on this earth is to be the best me I can be, shine love to everyone and that love will shine back on me.

It is not important what people think or do what is important is what you think or do. You cannot control what people think about you, you can only control what you think about you. If you think and act lovingly then they will think that about you.


Laurel is a health and wellness blogger and health coach. She is on a journey of self love and enlightenment, to search for the best me I can be.



Hear how Dr. Hawkins explains why it’s okay to surrender one’s will, click below

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