Prep 10 mins
Cook 2 1/2 hrs
Total Time: 2 hrs 40 mins Gluten Free
Egg Free
Chef Notes:
*Save the carcass and make soup the next day. See chicken soup recipe. Or if there is chicken left over make tacos, burritos, or enchiladas for your next meal.
We love leftovers! Have you noticed they taste so much better the next day? That is because a delicious magic happens. The flavors that reacted with the starches and the proteins producing flavor and aroma, react even more when reheating them the next day. Cooking is a set of several chemical reactions, one of them is the binding of molecules which make larger molecules and the result is a very large flavor molecule that stimulates your taste buds.
Gluten Free
Egg Free
Lactose Free
Vegetarian *Dairy Free