Are you READDDDDYYY???????



Are you hunkering down for a day of playoff games?  Its not too late to throw together some of our game day favorites!  It doesn’t matter who you are rooting for today, these will be well received by your guests.  If its just you and the fam… still great bets!  You probably even have the ingredients already in your pantry.


Laurel, concocted this amazing tasting, “Skinny” Margarita just for occasions like today.  All the great lime and tequila flavor with a whole lot less sugar!  Don’t forget to salt the rim with a nice coarse sea salt to bring out the flavor in the tequila.

Cowboy-CaviarA perfect match to your Sprouted Roots “Skinny” Margarita is a large batch of Sprouted Roots “Cowboy Caviar”!  Match it up with your favorite gluten free tortilla chips, or use cucumber “chips” (aka slices of cucumber).  This mix is sure to keep you fueled through out the game with plenty of energy to yell the refs to your heart’s content.   The best part about Cowboy Caviar is it truly is a hearty mix; it has the nutrition of a well rounded meal.

GAME ON!  May your favorite team be heading to the next round!

Get the gluten free recipes now……

Skinny Margarita

CowboY CaviaR

For more great Sprouted Roots gluten free appetizers and dips for your game day get together CLICK HERE 

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